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New Year’s Anti-Resolutions

I’m not a huge New Year’s resolution person – when the time is right to make a change, do it then! Why wait until the new year?

However, I do get that January 1 feels like a fresh start. Wipe the slate clean and start over.

But what happens when it’s the same year after year? You set lofty goals only to feel guilt or shame when you don’t achieve them.

Instead of feeling guilty or ashamed about last years unresolved resolutions, try making a list of what did go right in the past year.

Focus on what you did right.

Here are a few of mine:

-Did more walking

-Joined a 6 week bible study and showed up 5 of the 6 weeks

-Did a better job listening to my body

-Did a better job listening

Writing this list made me feel good, and while I do not believe the purpose of life is to feel good, it does put my brain in a good position, a.k.a. a “powerful” mindset, to continue good habits and move forward towards my purpose.

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