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One of my favorite leg exercises

When you want to be strong and healthy, you think about what is the biggest bang for your time/effort.

Hitting the large muscle groups is where it’s at and that means making sure to prioritize your legs, back and chest.

One of my favorite leg exercises is the Reverse Lunge.

I love it because it is simple. I think when things are simple and people can understand them, It’s more likely to get done.

The reverse lunge hits all the major players of the lower leg and there are so many variations of this exercise to turn it into + (plus you can get your ) Core

+T-spine mobility

+ Rotation


Here are some examples:

Reverse lunge with band

Reverse Lunge from step

Reverse Lunge to Balance

Reverse Curtsey Lunge


There are so many more options!

I often have women using assistance when they first start. By holding on to something, their form can be perfected without suffering from knee pain which is not uncommon.

Always look to progress and change your workouts and exercises so your body has to adapt to a new stimulus. That’s how it changes!

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