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“I showed up”

“I showed up today!”

On Fridays, my clients share their Win of The Week.

This discussion is so valuable, I can’t tell you all the impact it has on the Teller of the “win” and the Listener of the “win!”

We’ve been inspired, understood, loved, supported, connected, lifted up, celebrated and stretched during these truly special moments!

Today, as we were going through this short activity of sharing, a couple of ladies said their Win is “I showed up”, “I made it to our training session”, “I came even though I didn’t want to.”

I hear it every week and it truly is a WIN.

Women are so focused on taking care of other people and their day to day responsibilities that it can be a challenge to dedicate time for self-care and training/fitness …. and training is a HUGE part of self-care and your own health care.

Training/fitness is not a luxury by any stretch of the imagination, but sometimes we treat it that way and say “I’ll squeeze it in later”. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get squeezed in. Instead, your workout gets left in the dust.

Instead of not doing it all, start with “showing up”. Start with “I made it to class.” Start with “I did it even though I didn’t want to.”

I guess I just wanted to let you know that some days, just showing up is a big WIN and that it’s a good thing and I hope you “just show up.”

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