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Substitute one word

Do you want a big mental shift that could make you leaner, stronger and healthier this summer? Instead of thinking: 'Should I spend my time doing this', switch to thinking... 'Should I spend my life doing this.' If I say…

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On again off again exerciser

So you don't exercise at all or you are inconsistent and go on for a few months (or days) and then you are off for the same period of time. There's also a good chance that you don't have time…

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Can you find peace with perfectionism?

Webster: Perfectionism:  A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. Wow! That's a pretty tough standard to live up to. I should know. I could never live up to my own standards and nothing was ever good enough. My…

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Every Friday at Her Fitness we go over our WINS of the week.   Everything from small to big WINS count and matter.   Anything from having feelings of blessings and gratitude to losing "X" number of pounds to "I…

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3 reasons you aren’t motivated

Women think they aren't motivated. Clients straight up tell me "I'm just not feeling motivated" When I dig a little deeper, I often find out: 1. She's not getting enough sleep (or she is going to bed near or after…

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