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Why did you stop?

Is there something in your life that you used to do โ€“ something you really enjoyed and that was serving you โ€“ that you stopped doing? Maybe it was following a certain training program or belonging to a fitness community…

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Skip the Whip

To move closer to your goal, take one small step. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, famously talks about changing something so small that you don't even feel it. He also reminds us to reward ourselves when we do the…

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When the scale doesn’t move

It can be frustrating when you are trying to lose some body fat and the scale doesn't move and you are still doing all of the "right" things. Remember, the scale isn't everything. It's only one tool. It's a number…

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When you don't get enough sleep you are hungry and it's not your imagination. You are not making an excuse to eat more food, you actually feel hungry! It's because lack of sleep causes an increase the hunger hormone, ghrelin.…

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On again off again exerciser

So you don't exercise at all or you are inconsistent and go on for a few months (or days) and then you are off for the same period of time. There's also a good chance that you don't have time…

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Emotional eater? Two key things.

If you are an emotional eater you most likely know it. Every time something goes wrong, you head for the snacks. Every time something goes really wrong, you head for the snacks. And some times, when things go right, you…

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New Year’s Anti-Resolutions

I'm not a huge New Year's resolution person - when the time is right to make a change, do it then! Why wait until the new year? However, I do get that January 1 feels like a fresh start. Wipe…

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Can you find peace with perfectionism?

Webster:ย Perfectionism:ย  A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. Wow! That's a pretty tough standard to live up to. I should know. I could never live up to my own standards and nothing was ever good enough. My…

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