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Would you rather?

Do you know the game, Would you rather? You ask a question like would you rather take a ride in a rocket ship or never eat pizza again? I found this article written by Dr. Maria Urso​ who is a Nutrition Specialist. Dr.…

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Self-Diagnosed Sciatica?

Have you diagnosed yourself with sciatica? Most adults will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. The term Sciatica is often thrown around any time a person has pain that  goes from the buttock and travels down the…

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5 facts about staying Hydrated

As it gets colder, I drink less water if I'm not paying attention, and I think many women do the same, but we can't forget to drink water. Your body is over two-thirds water! Proper hydration is needed to transport…

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Me, first!

​During a conversation this morning, some clients and I were discussing the idea of "Me, first!"   By that, we were recognizing that exercise, movement and other self-care items really need to take place first thing, otherwise the chances are…

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Hard Choices

What hard choices did you make this weekend that brought you closer to the results you want? If you think about it, it's the "hard" choices that get us what we want. When it comes to finances, relationships, fitness/health or…

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15 minutes a day

One thing that causes women to feel like they are out of shape or aging "not-very-gracefully" is joint aches and pains. While there are obvious reasons for some of this, like an acute injury, very often these achy joints are due to…

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Body Fat Myths

Here are some myths about body fat that I thought you'd like to know: Myth #1 Muscle turns into fat Muscle is muscle and fat is fat. One type of tissue doesn't turn into another type of tissue. However, muscle…

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How to improve

I don't know about you, but I am always interested in improving myself and trying to live to my potential, even if I fall woefully short, it doesn't stop me from trying. Last week I went to the BW Nice…

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