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Stop Cravings

Cravings can come on strong and unfortunately, we never crave chicken breast or celery sticks. It's always junk food - sweets, breads/crackers or salty, fatty foods.   How can we conquer them? Here are a few tips: Mindful Snacking: Instead of…

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5 Reasons you need more of this Macronutrient

Macronutrients are the main nutrients your body requires in large quantities to provide energy to perform daily functions and activities. Macro nutrients are most often protein, carbohydrates and fat, while some sources also include water. I typically refer to the big 3…

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The basics

This is going to be short...hooray! If you are not feeling like yourself - tired, low energy, gaining weight, bloated, etc., start with the basics first. The basics are simple and for those who can implement, they are wildly successful.…

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Would you rather?

Do you know the game, Would you rather? You ask a question like would you rather take a ride in a rocket ship or never eat pizza again? I found this article written by Dr. Maria Urso​ who is a Nutrition Specialist. Dr.…

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Self-Diagnosed Sciatica?

Have you diagnosed yourself with sciatica? Most adults will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. The term Sciatica is often thrown around any time a person has pain that  goes from the buttock and travels down the…

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5 facts about staying Hydrated

As it gets colder, I drink less water if I'm not paying attention, and I think many women do the same, but we can't forget to drink water. Your body is over two-thirds water! Proper hydration is needed to transport…

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For many, the weekend is a time we fall off track. The weekend is also when most people have more time to dedicate to exercise and being active. Instead of completely derailing, why not flip the weakest part of your week? Make…

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