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This Exercise Helped My Low Back Pain.

I’ve been reading a lot about breathing. I even bought and did a 30-Day Breath To Move Better program last year and continue to do those exercises (nearly) daily.

Breathing exercises have helped to reduce my back pain.

I began to have lower right back pain a few years ago. Actually, I can’t remember when it started, but it was sometime after delivering a baby (9 years ago) and a year or so after living with shoulder pain for two years. Time blurs, doesn’t it?

Anyway, the pain was bad enough that I sought out professional help from my chiropractor and physical therapist.

Both helped me tremendously! My chiro and PT taught me so much about my body and helped me feel very good.

My back would feel better and then I’d deadlift a bit too much weight or pick up Audrey too quickly, or whatever,  and tweak it again.

I wanted to be able to do something daily for myself, by myself. The body has amazing capacity to heal, learn new ways, etc. so I knew there had to be something I could do for myself in addition to the other care.

Then I met Dana Santas at a fitness conference and she taught me (more) about breathing and I knew that was what my body needed!

Of course, I knew about deep breathing and how it helps reduce stress and I also “knew” that there was a right way and wrong way to breathe, but I didn’t realize the importance of spending time daily doing these exercises...until it helped get rid of my back pain.

Yes, I still have some stiffness from time to time and my warm-up is a little longer than it used to be, but for the most part I am pain free.

Check out the video of a breathing exercise that I do regularly and that my clients at Her Fitness do regularly.

It’s called Bridge Breathing at The Wall and it’s one that Dana Sanats, CSCS, E-RYT, taught me.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Also, you can get her program, too. It’s good for everyone (back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, no pain, stressed out, digestive issues…you can’t go wrong!) 30-Day Breath To Move Better

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