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Do you struggle with change?

Do you struggle with change? Do you have a hard time taking action … consistently? Have you found yourself starting and stopping projects or programs before? Or maybe, you never really even get started? I’m not just talking about weight…

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Weight loss hack

When you look up the word Hack you will find this: to cut into pieces in a rough and violent way, often without aiming exactly: "Without aiming exactly" caught my eye because that is exactly what happens when you try to figure out a "go-round" to achieving a goal without going through the…

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My teeth brushing habit

I bought a new toothpaste and the directions call for not rinsing after you brush. One day, after brushing and rinsing three times in a row I grasped the idea of "habit." Like, me, I bet you've read books about habits, listened to podcasts about…

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How’s your happiness?

​How's your happiness? Hopefully you ride on the "I'm more often happy than more often not" side of the road, but if not, this message could be for you. While it's known that the foods you eat, the amount of rest and sunshine you get, and…

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5 Rules

Today I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned from the clients who’ve had the most success in my fitness program. They’re all different women from different backgrounds, with different professions, and different family dynamics. However, they all seem to…

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