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Get A Hit Of Dopamine

I’m a big consumer of books, podcasts, articles, etc….I love to learn and reenforce stuff that helps me be a better coach, mother, wife, citizen, Christian….

Recently I listened to The Art Of Charm (AOC) podcast because the title was “Quantity over Quality” and as a recovering (maybe a continuing) perfectionist, this got my attention.

Over at AOC the podcast went on to say how that “when we complete a task, our brains get a shot of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that serves as a precursor to epinephrine, which gives us that pleasurable “high” associated with getting stuff done.”

That high in turn makes subsequent tasks much more doable.

You can probably imagine how this applies to work tasks, home chores, but how about your fitness?

How does putting in quantity and getting done with “fitness” give you a hit of dopamine?

In addition to the actual chemical changes that take place because you are moving and elevating your heart rate, I see this as showing up consistently for your workouts whether you feel like it or not, doing a workout and completing it even if it’s not your best day and being okay with the occasional sub-optimal workouts (because quantity helps improve quality).

So, get a hit of dopamine by regularly finishing the task of exercise;)

To make it more effective, put your goal of “x times per week” I will exercise and then put it on your calendar (the exact time!)

If you need to improve your mood through exercising on a regular basis, being held accountable helps you stay consistent. Luckily, we’ve got just the program coming up!

Our Total Body Transformation Challenge starts January 22 and I can only accept 10 women who have the time and ability to workout at least 3 times per week.

Our program includes:

  • Group Personal Training up to 3x per week
  • Meal Plan
  • Daily Accountability
  • Customized exercises
  • Grocery list and more.
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