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It’s All About How You FEEL


Looking great is fantastic! But…..

But what if you look great and your body feels like cr*p?   You suddenly don’t care so much about how you look.

Her Fitness is here to help women look great AND, FEEL GREAT…physically and mentally.

When you take care of yourself and your health – you are regularly exercisingeating greens and vegetables, fruitsmeat & fish/etc., healthy fatslike olive oil or avocado (not hydrogenated or trans fats you find in baked or processed foods) and you take measures to reduce stress on your body like going to bed on time, drinking enough water, and staying away from mean people – You Are Making The World A Better Place!

You become a mom who isn’t short tempered with her kids, a wife who’s not so defensive with her husband, a neighbor who is friendly, a volunteer who is happy an employee or employer who can handle tough situations….you get the idea! You’re a kinder, gentler woman because you feel better!

If you already exercise, make sure you do it consistently…no month long gaps between workouts!

If you want to FEEL BETTER, but  you don’t know what to do, how to do it, etc. and you want to take back control of your physical body so that you FEEL BETTER, please consider our upcoming  Total Body Transformation Challenge .

It starts January 22 and I can only accept 10 women who have the time and ability to workout at least 3 times per week.

Spots, especially, during certain training sessions, are extremely limited.

Are you embarrassed that you don’t know what to do or that you won’t be able to “keep up”? (Plus, every single woman, including me, had her first day in the gym so we were where you’re at!)

Don’t be….that is why we are here:) . We are here to help you.

Our program includes:

  • Group Personal Training up to 3x per week
  • Meal Plan
  • Daily Accountability
  • Customized exercises
  • Grocery list and more.


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