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Green Smoothie Recipe and 5 Reasons They Improve Your Health

Green Summer Smoothie

Ah, the green smoothie…my all-time favorite, give you energy, treat-yourself-right, exploding with vitamins and minerals that you just can’t get from a pill drink.

If you’ve known me long enough, you know drinking green smoothies is one of my favorite healthy “things to do”. Green smoothies haven’t been in my public vocabulary for a some time now and I think I might have gotten a little shy because people tend to turn their noses at “drinking spinach”, but hopefully you’ll give this one a go! Green smoothies are just so darn good for you and easy!

With the recommended 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables (mostly vegetables), drinking them is way easier to meet that goal. In other words…it’s a convenient way to start taking care of yourself.

Here are 5 Good Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies

1. Helps balance the pH of your stomach (do you take the “purple pill” or other GERD meds? Read here  )

2. Gives you tons of energy…naturally.

3. Curbs cravings for sweets.

4. Increases your daily intake of fiber and you know what that helps with;) 

5. They fill you up...drink them any time. Who wants to feel hungry and deprived? Not me! (this one is not a meal replacement, but rather a snack or side dish)

A Recipe I’ve been using recently:




  • Green tea (I like Yogi brand, Green Tea Super Antioxidant)
  • 1 Green apple
  • 1/4 large cucumber
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 1/2 thumb size fresh ginger
  • Big handful fresh spinach leaves
  • Leafs from about 4 sprigs of cilantro or parsley


Put in a high speed blender with some ice and drink some good ol’ self-lovin’ health!
Your body and mind will love you for this:)
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