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Karen Erenberg

“I was inspired to go to Flemington Boot Camps this summer when I saw how wonderful my girlfriend looked!  I asked her if I could attend a session with her.

I had no idea what to expect, but when I arrived, the ladies were very welcoming!  When the session started, Marie explained each exercise and she gave four different levels of intensity.  Everyone pushes themselves and there is NO judgements.  Then Marie offers positive reinforcement…She encourages everyone!

I made the commitment to take some time to take care of myself this year.  I have always been active, but this program is different.  I have seen wonderful results in a short period of time.  I am in better shape than I have been in awhile.  I am stronger and more fit.  I had to learn how to eat better food combinations to help with the fat loss…and Marie helps with that as well!  I was losing inches before I lost any weight.  At this point I have lost 12 lbs and I dropped 7% body fat and I have lost 8″ overall

Both of my daughters and my husband have made comments about how good I look.  I am excited about the changes that have happened but it is also nice when someone notices!
I know I deserve to take time for myself!  I love going to this program  It’s challenging at times but I feel amazing when our session is done!

Thanks Marie!!”

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