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Jamie G.

“Since first joining Flemington Boot Camps, I loved the changes Marie helped me make in my life; however, I recently decided to participate in her 6 week back to school transformation challenge and WOW, I cannot believe the results!  In just 6 weeks I lost 9 lbs!  My scale had been stuck for weeks and I knew I needed to make some changes if I was going to loose those last few lbs, but I never expected to experience such a dramatic transformation.  I followed Marie’s plan and gave it my all at her work out classes.  The differences I’m seeing in my body and overall health are amazing.  I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been, feel so much stronger, and have dramatically increased my energy and endurance.   I feel absolutely fabulous and countless people have asked what I’ve done.  The challenge helped me change my habits and even now that it’s over I have no desire to slip back into the bad ones.  I cannot believe how great I feel!  Friends that I hadn’t seen in quite some times almost didn’t recognize me saying that is wasn’t just the weight loss, but that overall I looked so much happier and healthier.  Thank you Marie Ande and Flemington Boot Camps!”

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