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Dates: July 9 – July 13, must be able to shop and prep Saturday or Sunday before hand.



Tired of feeling lethargic, bloated, gassy and always craving the next sweet treat?

I hear ya’!
I was a sugar addict, too. All I thought about was when I could eat next.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about sugar cravings and how to manage them so now I can pass up those sugary donuts, chocolate and ice cream if I want to.
I eat them on my terms and thoroughly enjoy those treats when I do eat them.
If you are “craving” to not crave, join my clients and I in a 5-Day Mini-No Sugar Challenge!
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to eat fruit and any foods that naturally contain sugar.
You will, however, be giving up any added sugar and grains. You’ll be eating lots of vegetables, too!
Remember, this is a Mini-Challenge! It’s only 5 days long!
And, I can tell you from my own experience and my client’s experience, that every time you do this…it gets easier and easier to do and succeed!
Do you Experience:
  • Cravings for sugar, bread, pasta, baked goods, ceral
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Mid-Day Energy Slump
  • Constipation
  • Foggy Brain
  • Irritability

There’s a good chance that too many simple sugars are to blame!


If you are ready to join us for our 5-Day Mini-No Sugar Challenge Click here:


It’s ONLY $21

Dates are July 9 – July 13 and you must be able to prep on July 7 or 8th.

NO meal plan is provided, but you will receive a digital Vegetable Cook Book.

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