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7 Small meal ideas

It's been HOOOOT and maybe you don't feel like eating dinner, but the rest of your family still wants their meat and potatoes. Give them their full dinner and have your bigger meal earlier in the day...and if you get…

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5 Step Mindset Puzzle

Have you ever promised yourself that you will "try harder", "this time I'll really do it," "now that I know how, I can really change," and you start to make adjustments and then, gradually, you fall back to your old…

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Nutrition isn’t the only answer

Besides nutrition, exercise (including resistance training!) is extremely important for blasting away body fat, building lean muscle mass, and exploding your metabolism. But some types of exercise are better than others. So, which ones you should be doing to get closer to your…

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Tips to help you fall asleep

Sleep is a pretty big topic.   Without enough quality sleep our bodies just don't recover, we risk injury, heart disease, decreased mental acuity, lack of enthusiasm, have cravings for quick acting carbs, our patience is tested to the max,…

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Counting Calories is too much trouble!

Have you gained some weight during this lock-down? My guess is that a lot of women can say "yes" to that! All those walks you've been taking just aren't enough to offset  the extra calories from snacks and wine, but counting calories is…

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