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Emotional eater? Two key things.

If you are an emotional eater you most likely know it. Every time something goes wrong, you head for the snacks. Every time something goes really wrong, you head for the snacks. And some times, when things go right, you…

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New Year’s Anti-Resolutions

I'm not a huge New Year's resolution person - when the time is right to make a change, do it then! Why wait until the new year? However, I do get that January 1 feels like a fresh start. Wipe…

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3 Myths about a Good Workout

3 Myths about a good workout ​ Myth #1 - It's only a good workout if you sweat profusely You can have a great workout that builds strength, mobility, reduces stress, improves your postures, decreases pain in your joints without…

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Can you find peace with perfectionism?

Webster: Perfectionism:  A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. Wow! That's a pretty tough standard to live up to. I should know. I could never live up to my own standards and nothing was ever good enough. My…

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