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The basics

This is going to be short...hooray! If you are not feeling like yourself - tired, low energy, gaining weight, bloated, etc., start with the basics first. The basics are simple and for those who can implement, they are wildly successful.…

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5 facts about staying Hydrated

As it gets colder, I drink less water if I'm not paying attention, and I think many women do the same, but we can't forget to drink water. Your body is over two-thirds water! Proper hydration is needed to transport…

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For many, the weekend is a time we fall off track. The weekend is also when most people have more time to dedicate to exercise and being active. Instead of completely derailing, why not flip the weakest part of your week? Make…

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Drain or Gain

Have you ever thought about the things in your life that are either  draining you or "gaining" you? I'm talking about things that we  do that may initially feel good and think they elevate us,  but in the end they don't always serve us…

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Me, first!

​During a conversation this morning, some clients and I were discussing the idea of "Me, first!"   By that, we were recognizing that exercise, movement and other self-care items really need to take place first thing, otherwise the chances are…

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15 minutes a day

One thing that causes women to feel like they are out of shape or aging "not-very-gracefully" is joint aches and pains. While there are obvious reasons for some of this, like an acute injury, very often these achy joints are due to…

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Can 1 drug prevent 26 conditions?

Is there such a drug that can treat 26 conditions or diseases? Certainly not in the form of a pill, but one thing nearly everyone has access to is....exercise. Sadly, most adults are do not meet the required amount of…

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Words you use

This topic came up a few times this week...and it's only Wednesday! The topic is: Loving/hating your body. A client confessed to a few of us at the studio that she always focused on her body in a negative manner. Always…

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