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5 Mindset Shifts for Success

​Mastering your mindset holds the key to all aspects of your life, including health and fitness. ​ What’s standing in our way often starts with our beliefs – our negative thoughts, self-imposed limitations and fragile mindsets. Flip the script to…

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It is exhausting

I've talked about weight loss, specifically fat loss, for years because that's what many women want. Most women come into the studio wanting to lose weight and what they really want is to be leaner, having more muscle definition and to fit…

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Hard Choices

What hard choices did you make this weekend that brought you closer to the results you want? If you think about it, it's the "hard" choices that get us what we want. When it comes to finances, relationships, fitness/health or…

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How to improve

I don't know about you, but I am always interested in improving myself and trying to live to my potential, even if I fall woefully short, it doesn't stop me from trying. Last week I went to the BW Nice…

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Back on track

Women tell me they want to get “back on track” with their fitness. But what does that really mean? In order for someone to get “back on track,” this implies that at some point along the way, they got “off…

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What if your conscious mind accepts this?

You may have heard about the “mind-body connection,” but what does that really mean? In a nutshell, our beliefs create feelings, which lead to actions, which produce results. How would that work with fitness? Let’s say that somewhere along the…

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