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Can you find peace with perfectionism?

Webster: Perfectionism:  A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. Wow! That's a pretty tough standard to live up to. I should know. I could never live up to my own standards and nothing was ever good enough. My…

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Make a Definite Decision

You are the only person who can make you a success or failure. You are the one who must make the decision and then take action. Block out the distractions (social media, procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, phone, excuses, television) and focus…

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Is it motivation?

January has come and gone, and so have most people’s New Year’s Resolutions. The year usually begins with a flurry of activity … new workouts, a new diet, a fresh start. By the time February arrives, most of those who…

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3 things that won’t change

I’ll admit that there have been a few changes in the past year, but these three things won’t: -- Self-Care is Non-Negotiable: Many women burn themselves out taking care of everyone. It’s natural to for us to take care of…

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