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Your strength potential

“Feeling strong is incredible,” said a client. The woman had lost more than 40 pounds, but the thing that was even more important to her was feeling strong. Embracing strength is always a winning choice. Strength stands out as the best…

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5 Mindset Shifts for Success

​Mastering your mindset holds the key to all aspects of your life, including health and fitness. ​ What’s standing in our way often starts with our beliefs – our negative thoughts, self-imposed limitations and fragile mindsets. Flip the script to…

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Would you rather?

Do you know the game, Would you rather? You ask a question like would you rather take a ride in a rocket ship or never eat pizza again? I found this article written by Dr. Maria Urso​ who is a Nutrition Specialist. Dr.…

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Self-Diagnosed Sciatica?

Have you diagnosed yourself with sciatica? Most adults will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. The term Sciatica is often thrown around any time a person has pain that  goes from the buttock and travels down the…

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5 facts about staying Hydrated

As it gets colder, I drink less water if I'm not paying attention, and I think many women do the same, but we can't forget to drink water. Your body is over two-thirds water! Proper hydration is needed to transport…

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