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Do something today

As I went on a very quick run this morning (warm-up, sprints, cool down all with in 13 minutes – and still had a moment to stop and smell the lilacs) I began to wonder how many people would have just said “There’s no time” and skip a workout all together.
Yesterday, I did the same type of thing. No time to actually drive to the gym, I did a bunch of lunges, step-ups and squat jumps while playing with my 2 year old daughter, Audrey.
My point is, do something…anything. Squeeze in whatever activity you can, when you can. If your an experienced exerciser, the less time you have, the higher intensity it should be (but don’t let getting sweaty and hot be an excuse, either. Still do something!)
I hope this motivates you to get some bit of exercise in today, even if you are short on time.
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